Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Could I Be Toxic?

I just heard that some people may be afraid to touch me due to the residue the chemotherapy treatment may live on me. It hurt and scared me. In fact, I did not do any research on what effect I may have on others. The nurse said that there is no problem, but looking for information on Google, I realized that this is not that simple and I came to a conclusion that wish to be more considerate and careful about some things.

I found out, however that internet cannot be the source of reliable information at all times, but for 72 hours after the treatment I am getting rid of the chemical effects on my body. From the personal experience I know that the symptoms of nausea last much longer at times, but perhaps rinsing off the residue through the toilet may follow the rule. I am now reluctant to use the public toilets, but this may not be able to avoid. So I am in some way contaminated and may be a discomfort to others. This is difficult to live with for quite a considerable time. I believe however that I can be safely hugged, and be with, so I will not go into any panic or restrictions.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sometimes unexpected happens

This is going to be my new blog where I intend to write about my experience with cancer. I have found out that I had it four years ago and after some treatment I considered myself cured only going for check-ups. I had lived a normal life for four years and then things changed gradually. For a while, and it was a long while, lasting almost a year, I did not feel well. I visited my GP many times, but for some reason, the idea of my cancer flaring up did not occur to anyone. I do not want to go into this experience now, but it was a bad year for me and I will most likely return to the subject at some stage as I need to understand myself better and writing about it helps me. I have been thinking why I want or need to write about such difficult times at all. I think that partly I want to get it out from my subconscious, partly because it may be helpful for others in a similar situation, partly to find a better way to deal with it all.

I am going through a chemotherapy now and I just started the process. I have had four treatments so far and fourteen is ahead of me. Frankly, this is not so bad as I had expected and I live a relatively normal life. Mondays - blood test. I do not like it a bit, but I have learned to live with it and I have found a great person to draw the blood. Loretta is great at finding the right vain. Then there is the chemo Tuesday - I still cannot sleep the night before, but I am almost used to the procedure. I believe that as a part of the treatment I am injected some drugs that improve my mood and I might be on a mild high for a couple of days, then I do not feel that bad till Sunday when the thinking about the next two days take over. This it is how it is for me now. My job is to take care of myself well and that means sleep well, eat well, rest well. Most of all I need to manage with great care my emotions and this means my thoughts. This is a difficult part and writing about it is design to help me with the process. Will it? I will see. It seems to be an up-close-and-personal exercise and this is not so easy for me. Some of my experience needed to be blocked out for me to be able to go through the most difficult parts and there were many of such times in the last three months. God, it has been only three months since I was diagnosed and so much has happened since then. I was told by my mother that I am a strong person but I always was doubtful about it. I considered myself rather to be a sensitive one, but when the going got tough the tough got going. So, it seems.  And this is how it was this time. In my mind I did not have any option, but to go through the serious operation, in one hospital, recovery in another, then a Shakespearian decision chemo or not chemo. And now I am at the beginning of the more than four months of the new chemotherapy routine. And this is ME who goes through this experience.

I always had some interest in the stoic philosophy, but this time being is such desperate state, I read books about stoic thinking with the very practical approach to it. I became a practicing stoic. Through the hardest times I was reading my favourite book by a Polish young philosopher Piotr Stankiewicz – The Art of Living According to Stoics. Maybe I should think of translating the book into English? I even have a possibility to contact the author. The book got me through the very hard times. I was reading it on my iPhone when I woke up after the operation. I was reading it each time I woke up in the middle of a night being scared to my wits. It led me through moments difficult to live through and helped me to go through such times with willing acceptance of the situation. It was a desperation to get some help, I believe, but the teaching sank very deeply and convincingly into my psyche. I have been lucky to know about the book beforehand and pull it out in the times of need. In fact, there have been many very positive things that happed to me in the last months as well and in fact, they happened because of the hard times I had to live through. I met many people who amazed me with their kindness, wisdom, support and friendship. I am a lot richer because of the experience and, I know it sounds unbelievable, grateful for it. On reflections, this is a great exaggeration and I will need to find better words for it, but the experience definitely has not been all negative.  
To be continued…